Tonight's menu: Lasagne Bolognaise, as seen in the photo.
How to do it in a few easy steps;
Get a Singaporean friend who marries a Swede.
When they are in Sweden, they will bake lots of really good lasagne, and they will freeze it.
Sometimes when they visit Singapore, they will bring along a few, and give you some.
If they give you some, keep it in the freezer until you are ready to eat it.
Now, when it is time to eat it, read the instructions on your combi-oven.
This may require opening some red wine.
This Spanish red worked just fine.
Once you figure out how to bake the lasagne, put it in the oven, take it out, and place it on the table like this;
This lasagne got the micro-grill setting at 600W for 16 minutes - it was my first try, so must have been beginners' luck.
Now, put the lasagne on a couple of plates like this;
After that, eat it, drink the red wine, savour the moment, and wash the dishes & load the dishwasher.
Can or not?